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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Free Russian language course


The Russian company "Maximum Obrazvani МАКСИМУМ Образование" implements the project "To the extent that we can speak Russian".

 This program aims to educate foreigners living outside of Russia and immigrants who live inside Russia and are interested in learning Russian from elementary to advanced levels, as well as people who need to prepare to pass the unified state exam in the Russian language for admission.  considered in Russian universities.

 For those who have mastered the Russian language at an advanced level, a program to get acquainted with Russian culture is offered.

 Education is free and taught in six different programs for 144 hours from September to December 2023.  The selection of the program is done after registration and passing the test to determine the level of mastery in the Russian language.  Training is done in the form of online classes with the teacher in a group and independently on an interactive platform.  Every week, three lessons of one and a half hours are taught. If you pass the program successfully, you will be given a certificate.

 Registration of participants will be done on the following site until September 10, 2023

 In this site, additional information about this project and by submitting a request to join this program is also provided.