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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Field Data Enumerator

Announced Date: 05 September, 2023   Expire Date: 30 September, 2023

Job Location:     Badakhshan Badghis Baghlan Balkh Bamian Daikondi Farah Faryab Ghazni Ghowr Helmand Herat Jawzjan Kabul Kandahar Kapisa Khost Kunar Kunduz Laghman Logar Nangarhar Nimruz Nuristan Oruzgan Paktia Panjshir Parwan Samangan Sar-e Pol Takhar Maidan Wardak Zabul Paktika

Nationality:                       National

Category:                          Monitoring and Evaluation

Employment Type:          Full Time

Salary:                               Project Based

Vacancy Number:           

No. Of Jobs:                     100

About MgtWell Consulting Services:

MgtWell Consulting Services (MgtWell) is consulting firm active in supporting the international development and co-operation sector. MgtWell was officially founded in 2013, in Kabul, Afghanistan, and has been operating since then. Over the past 10 years, MgtWell has worked with government multilateral institutions, civil society, and private firms to clarify, measure, and improve their results and has been a well-known and established Afghan consulting firm in delivering professional and technical assistance.

Job Description:

The Field Data Collection and Verification Officer is responsible to collect proper data according to project deliverables and scope of the project.

Collects edits, processes, and coordinates survey data in support of a specified projects. Arranges and conducts field interviews as appropriate to the project.

Job Requirements:


Bachelor’s Degree in BBA, BSc in Agriculture, Medical Diploma, Engineering,LLB and Social Studies


At least 2 year in Field Data Collection

Can Travel all the villages and districts of the province

Having Good Communication and Coordination Skill

Understanding and practical knowledge of data collection and survey

Knowledge of using Data collection tools ( ODK and KOBO).

Language Requirements:

Fluency in both written and spoken Pashtu, Dari and English,


Excellence through total quality


Respect all people

Occupational Competencies:

Knowledge of planning and scheduling techniques

Ability to work effectively with better assessment backgrounds

Interviewing and data collection skills

Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing

Excellent organizational and time management skills

Ability to evaluate, verify, and edit M&E data

Skill in the use of computer spreadsheet and/or database applications in the compilation of research data

Submission Guideline:

To apply: Please send your CV & Cover letter to below email address and include (Province Name in the subject line) of the application

Note: Those who are already MgtWell’s employee, please do not re-apply again

Submission Email: