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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Volunteers (Internship and Membership)

 Announced Date: 22 August, 2023   Expire Date: 20 September, 2023


Job Location:     Badakhshan Badghis Baghlan Balkh Bamian Daikondi Farah Faryab Ghazni Ghowr Helmand Herat Jawzjan Kabul Kandahar Kapisa Khost Kunar Kunduz Laghman Logar Nangarhar Nimruz Nuristan Oruzgan Paktia Panjshir Parwan Samangan Sar-e Pol Takhar Maidan Wardak Zabul Paktika

Nationality:                      National

Category:                          Support

Employment Type:          Full Time

Salary:                               According to HHWO salary scale

Vacancy Number:            HHWO-WPHF-2023-07

No. Of Jobs:                     136

City:                                   City Centers and Districts

Organization:                 Helping Hands for Women Organization - HHWO

Years of Experience:     Experience in any background, preferably M&E, Data collection, project implementation, or coordination.

Contract Duration:          (3 months internship and long-term membership)

Gender:                              Male/Female

Education:                         At least having a bachelor’s degree of any background, preferably project management, or business administration

Close date:                        2023-09-20

About Helping Hands for Women Organization - HHWO:

HHWO – Helping Hands for Women Organization, is a humanitarian non-profit, non-governmental, non-political, and non-partisan, national organization founded by its ardent founders in 2014. HHWO is registered in the Ministry of Economy (MOEC) with registration number (#3291) dated 28-09-2014.

At HHWO, we envision building a future in which all Afghans - regardless of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, or religion - experience a life of dignity and comfort, free from hunger, poverty, ignorance, illiteracy, violence, and backwardness.

Our overall mission is to eliminate hunger, reduce poverty, provide and promote access to health care and education, provide access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), promote gender equality, and provide child protection services to vulnerable and underprivileged children by putting an emphasis on their education, nutrition, health, and participation in sports. We also put a lot of effort into developing the skills of both men and women, increasing their social and legal awareness, assisting them in becoming equal partners, active citizens, and key decision-makers, allowing them to assume leadership positions, addressing women's needs, and advocating for local issues through which the vulnerable groups can assert their dignity and pursue human rights and peace.

Job Description:

·         The volunteers will have 3 months internship program to get knowledge of volunteerism, and humanitarianism

·         The volunteers will have the opportunity to understand what an NGO is doing

·         The volunteers will have the opportunity to learn more about their favorite field (Management, Program (Gender, M&E, Communications …), and Operations (Administration, HR, Procurement, and Finance)

·         After graduation from the internship, the committed group will be granted membership in HHWO to have a long-term relationship.

Job Requirements:

·         Education: At least having a bachelor’s degree of any background, preferably project management, or business administration

·         Experience: Experience in any background, preferably M&E, Data collection, project implementation, or coordination.

·         Languages: Pashto, and Dari, knowledge of English is an asset 

·         Geography: 34 Provinces

·         Documents Required: Resume and Education Documents (School and University Diploma and Transcript) 

Submission Guideline:

Interested candidates are required to send their applications along with their resumes and education documents to the attention of the following address

Please mention the job title/vacancy number in the subject line of your email

Applications received after the closing date, will not be considered.


Submission Email: